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The girls talk to each other at the Fontenille estate

Let's talk about your wedding

Wedding videographer blue line to separate the different sections of the site: contact, about, services, and many others.

I’m Vincent, a wedding videographer in Provence and more widely in France. I’m for discerning brides and grooms who are looking for a reliable professional to make their wedding film. The best way to reserve a date for your wedding is to contact me via the form below.

Natalie contacted Bremesnil to film her wedding.

Contact form

Wedding videographer blue line to separate the different sections of the site: contact, about, services, and many others.

Fill in this form with all the information at your disposal so that I can answer you as precisely as possible. I respond within 24h-48h all year round. If you have any questions, please consult the FAQ.

Why you should contact me

Wedding videographer blue line to separate the different sections of the site: contact, about, services, and many others.

I have 15 years of video expertise. I’ve directed TV commercials, documentaries and worked for some of the world’s biggest brands. My experience allows me to anticipate any situation on your wedding day.

Secondly, I’m a videographer who specializes 100% in weddings. I have a lot of availability to shoot weddings. Whether it’s on weekdays or weekends. I focus on a single area to deliver the best service.


Finally, after creating 4 companies, I have developed a strong sense of customer satisfaction. My aim is to deliver the simplest possible service for my brides and grooms, with no constraints and the highest possible satisfaction. I want the bride and groom to enjoy their day without worrying about the film.


Here are 3 reasons why you should contact me to talk about your wedding and my services.